Annual Property Owner’s Meeting

Annual Property Owner’s Meeting

Annual Property Owner’s Meeting

To all Woodlake Villa Owners:

The Annual Meeting for the Woodlake Villas POA is being held on Saturday, December 3rd at 1:00 p.m. in the conference room of the Hilton Head Public Service District #1.  Unfortunately, due to ongoing repairs and safety concerns, we could not hold the meeting at Woodlake.  Recovery efforts are on track and it won’t be long before things are back to normal.  We hope to see as many owners as possible at the meeting, but if you cannot attend, please be sure to send in your proxy to insure we have a proper quorum for conducting business.  If you have not returned your proxy, you can still send it to us by email or fax.  Thank you for your cooperation and I will see all of those in attendance Saturday!

Michael Hawanczak

Regime Manager – Woodlake Villas