Hurricane Irma Update

Hurricane Irma Update

To all:

As you are aware, Gov. Henry McMaster declared a State of Emergency yesterday allowing for state agencies to coordinate efforts if a weather emergency arises.

If you were unable to tune in to the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office Hurricane Irma broadcast, you can find the video here:

To summarize, THIS IS NOT HURRICANE MATTHEW!  This hurricane is an entirely different scenario, which will be more impactful to South Carolina than Hurricane Matthew was, according to the National Hurricane experts.  At this time, this storm has been holding strong at a Category 5, however, that is not expected to last.  There are currently three potential Hurricane Irma scenarios at this time, which are explained in the broadcast.  If it comes to a point of evacuation, you have to keep in mind that there are three states that will be evacuating at once.  PLEASE be sure to have a strategy in place in the event that a mandatory evacuation is issued and plan to be gone for at least 3 to 5 days minimum.

If an evacuation is mandated, please do not plan to re-enter Beaufort County without calling their Re-Entry number first.  The Beaufort County re-entry phone number is (800) 963-5023. This line will be active during and post storm.  THIS IS THE BEST SOURCE OF INFORMATION FROM BEAUFORT COUNTY FOR RE-ENTRY ONLY.  During Hurricane Matthew, there were 144 identified sources giving out Matthew information, most of which was erroneous.

Keep in mind, “The reason we leave Beaufort County is because of the water.  We Run from the Water, We Hide from the Wind.  WE ARE CALLED THE LOW COUNTRY FOR A REASON,” says Lieutenant Colonel Neil Baxley.

Due to the circumstances of planning for a possible evacuation, hard copy mailing of this notice is not possible so we ask all of you to please communicate this information with your neighbors, who may not have access to email, your rental agents and/or your tenants.  You can also visit our website for updated information at .  We are also including several helpful links below.

If there is a forced evacuation, we at High Tide will also have to evacuate and will only be able to pick up messages infrequently.  Please be assured that, once we are all allowed back, we will work with vendors to assess and repair any damage to the property.  If repairs are needed, we ask that you be patient – after Matthew there was a lot of damage to repair and repair people were extremely busy.

Attached are some helpful tips to prepare for events such as Hurricane Irma.  …and below, the first three links are crucial to stay properly informed.


  • RE-ENTRY HOTLINE:  (800) 963-5023 For a storm, there is pre-storm, during the storm and after the storm.  This number is for during and after…not now.
  • National Hurricane Center: Select warnings and watches, scroll down to Irma.  On the right side, you’ll see a box Warning/Cone Static Images.  Click on it.  Select the Forecast Track line to the On position.  Now you can view the track..Note at the bottom, how fast the storm is moving…yesterday it was 16 mph, today it’s 17 mph.  Yesterday the wind speed was 185, today it’s 180 (it’s going over the Caribbean islands now)
  • This next link was shared with me by BELFOR. This link is like the NHC on steroids.  Type in your zip code and then the arrow.  At the bottom left, you’ll see you can “change the date”.  Select Sunday.  Along the bottom there is a time bar.  Select 2PM.  The map will show a forecast of Sunday at 2PM.  On the right side, select “wind speed”.  This will be added information to the “you are here” spot.  You can also select “wind gust”.  Next, change the date from Sunday to Monday. This sight is a real eyeopener…
  • To receive current  and CORRECT info, sign up for Nixle. You will receive information and alerts straight from Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office.  Type in your zip code and then go.  Fill in your name, password, e-mail address, phone number for texting…takes 60 seconds.  The last update was just now at 11:45AM..NO EVAC ORDERS YET.  Terrific site to get connected to.

We will be sure to provide up to date information as we receive it.

Again, please heed all warnings and advice for this type of event and stay safe.