An update from management…
Hurricane recovery efforts are continuing and measurable progress is being made. A total of 47 villas were affected by the storm with the damage ranging from small roof leaks to substantial roof damage and flooding. Flooding was far and away the biggest problem with 40 units requiring water remediation. This process requires removing any materials that received and maintained high moisture levels. Several moisture readings were taken to determine where to remove flooring, drywall, insulation, cabinets and any other necessary building material. Once that is done drying equipment is installed and all areas treated with a microbial solution to eliminate and prevent any mold growth. The drying process is approximately 80% complete and all units should hopefully be done within the week.
The reconstruction process will soon begin and materials are already beginning to arrive on the property. This process is being handled by a Belfor, a national company that specializes in disaster/property restoration. This project has been a challenge given the widespread geographic area that Hurricane Matthew has affected, spreading the available resources and materials thin. However, as noted earlier, the project is moving forward on the predicted timeline. One of the next steps is securing the proper permits from the Town of Hilton Head so that the reconstruction can begin. The time frame for this project is 2 to 3 months per villa depending upon the extent of damage and required repairs. The process is being pushed as fast as it can to get our displaced residents back into their homes as soon as possible. Communication with the Woodlake insurance carriers is ongoing to help expedite and process claims.
Aside from the building damage, the trees on the property suffered substantial damage. It is estimated approximately 15 to 20% of the trees have been damaged or removed to eliminate safety hazards. The pruning/trimming/removal process has just been completed and now the process of debris removal has begun. Woodlake does not meet the set stipulated conditions to qualify for FEMA assistance and is attempting to seek approval through different channels and appeals. In the meantime, Woodlake has hired private contractors to haul away the debris and that process is slowly moving forward. Future updates will be provided as progress continues and a full report will be given at the upcoming Annual Meeting.