Hurricane Matthew Update, Oct 4, 2016

Hurricane Matthew Update, Oct 4, 2016


As you all know we may be in the direct path of Hurricane Matthew. It is still unsure of the exact path the storm will take, but we know that it could be substantial now that an evacuation order has been issued. Before leaving, we are asking all residents to help prepare the property for the pending storm and eliminate wind and debris hazards. Please take inside all small items from your patios such as flower pots, patio furniture and item that can become a wind hazard. Remember 70+ mile per hour winds can move any object. Higher winds can make them a missile. All units have an eye bolt in the wall on their patio’s that can be used to tie or chain down any items too large to take inside. Thank you for your cooperation and let’s be prepared for the worse and hope for the best!

For those residents who want to board windows or doors, the best area to secure and screw down any plywood is through the window and door trim boards 3 inches from the interior trim edge. Any residents who board up their windows and patio doors MUST do the following after the storm passes: (1) remove all boarding within 48 hours, (2) screws, not nails, must be used to secure boarding, (3) any holes made into the siding must be filled, etc. While owners may take any reasonable precautions to protect their property, you will be responsible for any repairs or replacements which become necessary as a result.