September 1, 2019 at 8:30 pm
- A mandatory evacuation has been ordered for Hilton Head Island and all areas of Beaufort County starting tomorrow (Monday), September 2, 2019 at 12:00 p.m.
- The Cross Island toll fees will be lifted during the evacuation.
- Lane reversals starting at noon tomorrow on U.S. 278 as follows: One lane is reversed to create three lanes traveling west on US 278 at the intersection of the Spanish Wells Drive and Moss Creek Village Drive. This reversal is approximately two miles in length. The bridge will not be closed and one lane will remain open inbound to the island.
- Evacuation shelter locations will be available on and in the SC Emergency Manager mobile app as soon as they are opened.
- The Palmetto Breeze evacuation pick up points will become operational tomorrow, we will update times and routes as we receive them.
- All Town of Hilton Head Island government offices, Beaufort County government offices and schools will be closed on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 and will re-open on a date to be determined. All Town Council and committee meetings are also cancelled until further notice.
- Stay informed – #DorianHHI is the hashtag the Town of Hilton Head Island is using when posting to Social Media websites.
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townofhiltonheadisland/ To view Storm Updates visit stormupdates.cfm

Mandatory Evacuation Ordered
- Hurricane Dorian
- Hurricane Dorian Update #2