To all Woodlake Residents:
Woodlake Villas has recently reviewed and revised it Rules and Regulations and relevant documents for clarity to insure they are current, relevant and evolve as the property ages and matures. A copy of these revised Rules and Regulations and all forms are contained in this Woodlake Owner/Resident packet. We ask that you keep this packet handy as a reference for any information regarding the operation of Woodlake Villas.
In response to numerous requests and concerns, Woodlake Villas is now going to exercise its right to approve all leases. Part ofthis process is that the Woodlake Lease Addendum is now a requirement. A copy of this Addendum is provided in the packet. This information is being provided to all owners and known rental agents. We ask that you communicate with your landlord to insure that they are aware of this new requirement. Copies of leases are required to obtain amenity, gate and parking passes. Any new or renewing lease that is not compliant with the new requirements and Lease Addendum will not be able to receive or renew passes.
These changes have been made to insure that Woodlake is and remains a safe and desirable place to call home!
Michael Hawanczak , CM A Regime Manager – Woodlake Villas
Rules and Regulations Revisions
- Seeking Information
- Hurricane Matthew Update, Oct 4, 2016