Woodlake News

Hurricane Matthew Update, Oct 4, 2016


As you all know we may be in the direct path of Hurricane Matthew. It is still unsure of the exact path the storm will take, but we know that it could be substantial now that an evacuation order has been issued. Before leaving, we are asking all residents to help prepare the property for the pending storm and eliminate wind and debris hazards. Please take inside all small items from your patios such as flower pots, patio furniture and item that can become a wind hazard. Remember 70+ mile per hour winds can move any object. Higher winds can make them a missile. All units have an eye bolt in the wall on their patio’s that can be used to tie or chain down any items too large to take inside. Thank you for your cooperation and let’s be prepared for the worse and hope for the best!

For those residents who want to board windows or doors, the best area to secure and screw down any plywood is through the window and door trim boards 3 inches from the interior trim edge. Any residents who board up their windows and patio doors MUST do the following after the storm passes: (1) remove all boarding within 48 hours, (2) screws, not nails, must be used to secure boarding, (3) any holes made into the siding must be filled, etc. While owners may take any reasonable precautions to protect their property, you will be responsible for any repairs or replacements which become necessary as a result.

Rules and Regulations Revisions

To all Woodlake Residents:
Woodlake Villas has recently reviewed and revised it Rules and Regulations and relevant documents for clarity to insure they are current, relevant and evolve as the property ages and matures. A copy of these revised Rules and Regulations and all forms are contained in this Woodlake Owner/Resident packet. We ask that you keep this packet handy as a reference for any information regarding the operation of Woodlake Villas.
In response to numerous requests and concerns, Woodlake Villas is now going to exercise its right to approve all leases. Part ofthis process is that the Woodlake Lease Addendum is now a requirement. A copy of this Addendum is provided in the packet. This information is being provided to all owners and known rental agents. We ask that you communicate with your landlord to insure that they are aware of this new requirement. Copies of leases are required to obtain amenity, gate and parking passes. Any new or renewing lease that is not compliant with the new requirements and Lease Addendum will not be able to receive or renew passes.
These changes have been made to insure that Woodlake is and remains a safe and desirable place to call home!
Michael Hawanczak , CM A Regime Manager – Woodlake Villas

Seeking Information

IMG_3083At approximately 5:00 A.M. this morning, an unknown person driving a black Chevy Avalanche pickup truck, which had no license plate, crashed through Woodlake’s entrance gate at such a speed as to snap the drop-down arm in two and break the black metal gates at the hinges.

This unknown person then left the property 20 minutes later, waiting patiently for the exit gate to open.

If you see this vehicle or have seen it in the past OR if you know the owner of the vehicle, or if you know the building or unit number associated with this vehicle, please contact the On-Site Maintenance office (834-689-3366) or the regime office (843-815-6540) immediately.




The incident was recorded on film, a police report has been filed and a search is under way. If you are the perpetrator, we strongly suggest you turn yourself in to the On-site Office without delay!

Woodlake News – June 2016

falling_limbWork will soon begin to remove trees on Woodlake property that have grown into the flight path of the Hilton Head airport.  All of the trees to be removed surround the tennis court and pool areas.  Woodlake has met with the County and contractors to devise a removal plan that reduces the inconvenience to the nearby villa residents as much as possible.  A project of this nature requires a fair amount of large equipment to perform the job.  The bulk of the work will require access to the area from the end of the cul-de-sac of units 21 through 30.  The units most greatly affected will be 29 and 30.  This will require some parking spaces to be roped off during the day and access to the area restricted.  No spaces will be blocked at night but will need to be accessible in the mornings and afternoon.  Access to the dumpster will be blocked from time to time as equipment is moved in and out of the area but will remain open as much as possible during the project.  There is also a tree to be removed near the pool that will require access to the area by the mailboxes in front of the fitness center.  While access to the mailboxes will be maintained, the areas will be marked off with flagging tape and cones to direct pedestrian traffic to and from the mailboxes and parking at the pool area will be partially restricted.  It may also be necessary to close the pool for a period of time during the removal of this tree for safety purposes.  Even if the pool remains open, please note that there will be noise and sawdust blowing in the area.  This also applies to the villas nearest to the tennis courts where the bulk of the tree removal will take place.

Again, Woodlake has taken steps to minimize as much as possible the inconvenience to our residents a project of the nature presents.  During this project, FOR YOUR SAFETY, we ask all residents to stay clear of the coned, flagged and otherwise marked work areas.  We thank you for your cooperation during this project and will strive to ensure it is completed as quickly as possible.

2016 Annual Community Picnic and Pool Party


Please join us and your neighbors for our Annual Community Picnic and Pool Party.

Food, fun, music, prizes.

Children get goodies at the gate with adult and children’s prizes awarded hourly. The grand prize will be awarded at 6:00 PM (you must be present to win).

Woodlake will be supplying the hot dogs, burgers, buns, condiments, chips, soft drinks, bottled water, and picnic ware. We ask you to bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to share.


The picnic is for the residents of WLV only with an ammenites pass required for entry. No guests, please.

2015 Holiday Decorating Contest

SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAOnce again the Woodlake is sponsoring a holiday decorating contest. Prizes will be awarded for first ($100), second ($50) and third ($25) place.


If you are participating, please be sure that your decorations are complete and turned on the evening of Sunday, December 20, 2015. Volunteers will be judging decorations that evening after dark.

Woodlake News – June 2015

Summer is nearly here and so is the hot weather. This means more people will be using the swimming pool to cool off.Recently we had an issue with someone defecating in the pool. When this happens the pool must be closed for approximately 24 hours so the on-site staff can sanitize the pool, (shocking it by super-chlorinating the water). If you bring small children to the pool please make sure that no children wearing diapers are allowed in the pool unless wearing protective and sealed swimsuits. Also remember that proper swimsuit attire must be worn by all. NO STREET CLOTHES ALLOWED.

We have had several complaints about people partying and playing loud music in the parking lots around Woodlake. The Woodlake Rules & Regulations policy states that: “No loitering is permitted in the common areas. For the purpose of this rule loitering will be defined as: All owners/tenants who congregate in front of their units drinking alcohol, playing loud music or any way disturb or annoy the occupants of any units in the complex, or do or permit anything to be done which will interfere with the rights, comfort, or convenience of the other owners or tenants, will be fined immediately.”

In closing we would like to remind everyone that bird feeders are not allowed anywhere in Woodlake. Upon approval, humming bird feeders and bird house may be allowed. Your cooperation and help with all of the above matters will be greatly appreciated.

March Spring Cleaning

Welcome spring, everyone! The Woodlake Board is as happy as you are that it is now March and the winter will be ending soon. We’re all looking forward to warm weather, flowers, and plenty of sunshine.

Along with this feeling of celebration comes the need, however, for everyone to do their part to help Woodlake “clean up” for spring. We are asking every tenant and every owner to work diligently over the course of the next few weeks to clean up their front yards and back yards around their condo. This spring and summer we want Woodlake to showcase its “best” side to potential homebuyers, and to do that all front yards and patios need to be cleaned up. PLEASE NOTE: CLEAN UP MUST BE COMPLETED BY MARCH 30. IF YOU AS OWNER/TENANT FAIL TO MEET THIS DEADLINE, CORRECTIVE ACTION WILL BE TAKEN IN THE FORM OF A WARNING AND/OR INITIAL FINE.

Specifically, here are a few areas that need particular attention:

  • Remove/throw away excess pots that will not be used for flowers or plants.
  • Remove any garbage, old towels, kitchen items, trash, cigarette butts, or personal items meant for indoors from your patio or front entrance.
  • Remove HOUSE furniture from any front or back of any unit. ONLY lawn furniture is permitted on back patios.

Furthermore, please observe the following Woodlake rules and take action accordingly:

  • No article shall be hung or shaken from the doors or windows, or placed upon the windowsills of the units, with the exception of hanging plants and decorative wreaths. If properly displayed, the current United States flag is allowed. All other flags must be approved in advance.
  • No bicycles, scooters, baby carriages, or similar vehicles or toys, or any personal articles shall be allowed to stand in any of the Common Areas or sidewalks.  Common Areas include all areas adjacent to and immediately beyond the patios and entrance doors.  No lawn furniture, picnic tables, potted plants, or garden hoses are allowed on the grassy areas.  Landscaping edging is not permitted without consent from the Board of Directors.  The following items only are allowed on the patio area: lawn furniture, cooking grills, plants, bicycles, and children’s riding toys.  ITEMS WHICH ARE PROHIBITED INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: FIREWOOD, SHELVING UNITS, BOXES, MOTORCYCLES, AND PLASTIC BABY POOLS.  Exceptions to those rules may be approved only by the Regime.
  • Each Owner or Tenant shall keep his unit in a good state of preservation and cleanliness, and shall not sweep or throw, or permit to be swept or thrown therefrom, or from the windows thereof, any dirt or substances.  Littering is prohibited.
  • All garbage and refuse from the units shall be deposited with care IN garbage containers.
  • Any Owner or Tenant wishing to plant flowers, trees, or shrubs outside of their patio area must obtain permission from the Board of Directors before doing so.  Each Owner and Tenant who does so will be responsible for replacement, upkeep, or damage to such flowers, trees or shrubs.
  • Firewood must not be stored next to buildings or patios unless on an approved rack.  It must be stored at least two feet from the building and placed on a storage rack adjacent to the A/C condenser unit, so as not to hinder the pedestrian movement in the common areas.  Other Storage sites must be approved by the Regime.  Colored tarps are not permitted to shelter firewood.
  • The Board of Directors and/or its Managing Agent reserves the right to limit outside displays related to holidays, weddings, birthdays, etc.

Again, we are looking forward to spring and appreciate everyone’s help in cleaning up Woodlake!

Holiday Decorating Contest and Food Drive for The Deep Well Project

Woodlake Villas Holiday Decorating Contest

SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAOnce again the Woodlake volunteers are sponsoring the holiday decorating contest. Prizes will be awarded for first ($100), second ($75) and third ($50) place.

Judging will take place on Sunday, December 21 and prizes will be awarded on the following Monday. Let’s all get busy and light Woodlake up once more!

Food Drive for The Deep Well Project

DeepWellProjectLogoWoodlake is excited to announce that as a special charitable endeavor this season, we will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Deep Well Project from December 10 until December 20.  Please bring your donations to the Woodlake Office where there will be a special box to place the donations.  The Deep Well Project is a local non-profit organization that has supported families and individuals in need since 1973.

Woodlake News – October 2014

Yard Sale

yard-sale-sign1Woodlake will be having its Community Yard Sale on October 25, 2014 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.  If you wish to participate, clean out your closets, and make some extra cash, here is your chance!  The pool parking area will be available to set up for the sale, or you can set up on the sidewalk in front of your villa.  Please do not use parking spaces in front of the villas for setting up.  Woodlake will provide yard sale signs for the front entrance.

Community Library

Just a reminder that the community room is still accepting and loaning out books for residents to read.  Anyone wishing to donate books is encouraged to do so.  We welcome books for all ages to read.

Pedestrian Gate

The pedestrian gate is working!  Please be sure to bring your amenities pass to get in and out after 11 p.m.  Any pedestrians caught using the vehicle gates to enter or exit the property will be issued a fine.