Woodlake News

woodlake News

With the cold weather upon us many residents will start to use their
fireplaces. We suggest before starting to use your fireplace that you have the chimney cleaned and inspected. While you are free to use whatever contractor you wish, one local chimney cleaning company is the Lowcountry Chimney Sweeps at 843-686-9007. Also, please make sure when using your fireplace that you only use seasoned hard wood, such as Oak. Soft wood such as pine is not recommended because this can leave combustible tar and creosote in the chimney that can catch on fire.

Firewood must not be stored next to buildings or patios unless on an approved rack. It must be stored at least two feet from the building and placed on a storage rack adjacent to the A/C condenser unit, so as not to hinder the pedestrian movement in the common areas. If a tarp is used to cover the firewood, it must be brown or black in color, with a limit of one (1) rack of firewood. Other storage sites must be approved by the Board of Directors.

Community Yard Sale

Woodlake Villas is having our annual community yard sale on Saturday, October 26th, 2019 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, weather permitting. If you want to clean out your closets and make some extra cash here is your chance to do so. It will be held in the pool area parking lot or you can set up on the sidewalk or parking area near your villa.  Anyone wanting to participate may do so. We will provide yard sale signs for the front entrance.

Hurricane Dorian Update #2

We hope that once Hurricane Dorian begins its long awaited move to the north and closer to Hilton Head it begins to weaken and passes far enough off the coast to not be a serious threat or cause severe damage.  The old motto of “prepare for the worst and hope for the best” certainly applies here.  We do know that we will certainly be affected.  While we still cannot be sure of the actual track the storm will take, we have prepared the best we can and applied the lessons we have learned through Hurricane Matthew.  We have recently cleaned all the road basins, ditches and made other alterations for improved drainage throughout the property.  The pool complex will be completely secured tomorrow, and the fitness center will available in case of emergencies to ride out the storm for any of those who may have chosen to not evacuate.  We ask once again that you make sure everything around your villa is taken inside or properly secured so it will not become a danger in high winds.  We have all the proper contractors on standby to assist the property in the event they are needed once the storm passes.  Updates will be sent out as soon as possible once the storm has passed, and everyone STAY SAFE!


Mandatory Evacuation Ordered

September 1, 2019 at  8:30 pm
  • A mandatory evacuation has been ordered for Hilton Head Island and all areas of Beaufort County starting tomorrow (Monday), September 2, 2019 at 12:00 p.m.
  • The Cross Island toll fees will be lifted during the evacuation.
  • Lane reversals starting at noon tomorrow on U.S. 278 as follows: One lane is reversed to create three lanes traveling west on US 278 at the intersection of the Spanish Wells Drive and Moss Creek Village Drive. This reversal is approximately two miles in length. The bridge will not be closed and one lane will remain open inbound to the island.
  • Evacuation shelter locations will be available on scemd.org and in the SC Emergency Manager mobile app as soon as they are opened.
  • The Palmetto Breeze evacuation pick up points will become operational tomorrow, we will update times and routes as we receive them.
  • All Town of Hilton Head Island government offices, Beaufort County government offices and schools will be closed on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 and will re-open on a date to be determined. All Town Council and committee meetings are also cancelled until further notice.
  • Stay informed – #DorianHHI is the hashtag the Town of Hilton Head Island is using when posting to Social Media websites.

To view Storm Updates visit


Hurricane Dorian

As you all know, Hurricane Dorian will impact the Southeast coastline this weekend and through the beginning of next week.  At this point landfall somewhere in Florida is the likely target.  While it is yet to be determined where an exact landfall will take place, along with the future path, we are relatively confident that we will be receiving significant rain and possibly storm force winds.  We are preparing by lowering lagoon water levels and clearing all drainage ditches in anticipation of heavy rainfall.  We urge everyone to keep an eye on the forecast and be prepared.  We ask that you take in or secure any outdoor items such as patio furniture, plants, etc. that can be affected by possible high winds.  Be safe and given the circumstances, have the best Labor Day Holiday possible!

Amenities Pass

Please come to the office during normal working hours and check your amenities pass for the use of the fitness center, swimming pool, and tennis courts. A new gate control system has been installed and we would like to make sure your amenities pass still works.

Community Picnic Rescheduled

Due to the threat of continuing severe weather the 2019 Annual Community Picnic has been rescheduled for Sunday, June 16th, from 3 to 6 PM. Bring Come and try to win one of the many raffle prizes we have this year, Maybe Dad will win the grand prize of a large flat screen TV!

Woodlake will be supplying the burgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, chips, and beverages. Attendees are asked to bring side dishes and desserts. Please add the picnic to your Father’s Day activities and we hope to see you all then!!


Speeding Complaints

We are receiving many complaints of residents and or guests driving way too fast in Woodlake. We have many children living in Woodlake that are always playing games in the parking lot and frequently running out into the road from in between cars. Anyone seen by our Community Relations Officer or employees driving too fast in Woodlake may have their parking privileges suspended or revoked.  If we can’t get the speeding under control with the cooperation of all residents, we will be forced to add more speed bumps to slow everyone down.

Pet Complaints

Many of our residents are still complaining about pet owners who are not picking up after their pets in the common areas or dog run area. This has been and continues to be a major problem here at Woodlake. Pet owners who do not clean up after their pets will be issued appropriate fines and may have their common area pet privileges revoked and will be required to take their pets off the property to do their business. Cleaning up after your pet shows that you respect your neighbors and your community. If you see anyone not cleaning up after their pet anywhere on the property, please report this to the on-site office.  Once again, we respectfully ask that all dog owners pick-up after their pet after they have done their business.

2019 Annual Community Picnic

Summer is just around the corner and the Woodlake Villas Board of Directors has started planning for the Woodlake Community Picnic. This year’s community picnic will be held on Sunday, June 9th. Between 3:00-6:00 PM. So, save this date for good food, lots of fun and great prizes! Future notices will be sent out closer to the date of the picnic. Hope to see you all there.