Woodlake News

Playground Closure

The new play area at the back side of the property located behind unit # 180 will be closed for maintenance until further notice. We have discovered a bug infestation and a fugus issue that has weakened the grass. We are now treating the grass with an insecticide and fungicide and this area will remain closed until the grass is healthy again. Once this area becomes healthy and no signs of insects or fugus, we will reopen the play area.  Parents, please pass this message on to your children.  Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


La nueva área de juego en la parte posterior de la propiedad ubicada detrás de la unidad n. ° 180 estará cerrada por mantenimiento hasta nuevo aviso. Hemos descubierto una infestación de insectos y un problema de fugus que ha debilitado la hierba. Ahora estamos tratando la hierba con un insecticida y un fungicida y esta área permanecerá cerrada hasta que la hierba vuelva a estar sana. Una vez que esta área se vuelva sana y no haya señales de insectos o fugus, volveremos a abrir en el área de juego. Padres, por favor pasen este mensaje a sus hijos. Gracias por su cooperación en este asunto.


Projected path of Hurricane Florence from National Hurricane Center 8:00 p.m. Please continue to monitor the storm.

The National Hurricane Center (NHC) released its 8:00 p.m. update on the projected path of Hurricane Florence. The NHC advises that Hurricane Florence is moving northwest at 16 miles per hour with maximum sustained winds of 115 miles per hour. Please click on the attached image for more details.

There is still uncertaintly on what impact this storm may have on Beaufort County, so please continue to plan ahead. State, county and municipal emergency management officials are closely monitoring Hurricane Florence. Resources to support a hurricane/major storm operation are here and standing by in the event they are needed.

Beaufort County residents and guests can expect to see law enforcement officers from state, county and municipal agencies, as well as Army National Guard and South Carolina Department of Transportation personnel positioned at traffic control points on U.S. 278 and U.S. 21. Those personnel are positioned at the traffic control points to monitor the flow of traffic and to implement lane reversals if necessary.

If lane reversals to ease the flow of traffic becomes necessary, you will be advised as far in advance as possible. At this time, driving is not being restricted in Beaufort County and all bridges to access Beaufort County’s barrier Islands are open to traffic.

Beaufort County is not under a governor’s evacuation order, but we do urge residents and guests located in low-lying areas and others—who wish to minimize their exposure to this dangerous storm—to evacuate south into Georgia, Florida or, at the very least, to higher ground.

The Sheriff’s Office, along with state and municipal governments will continue to keep you advised of developments with Hurricane Florence. We encourage you to remain vigilant and stay informed on the storm’s projected path through the National Hurricane Center https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/

Your safety is of paramount importance, please continue to rely on official sources for your updates on Hurricane Florence and we ask you to avoid misinformation spread through social media.

Please pass this information along to family and friends. Thank you for staying informed.

Evacuation Order Lifted

Governor Henry McMaster lifts the evacuation order for Beaufort County that was to go into effect at 12:00 p.m.

A few minutes ago, South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster lifted the evacuation order for Beaufort County that was scheduled to go into effect at 12:00 today. Thank you for continuing to follow official sources of information for updates on Hurricane Florence. Please pass the word along to your family and friends.


Evacuation Notive for Sept 11, 2018

Governor McMaster issues evacuation order for Beaufort County starting at 12:00 p.m. tomorrow, September 11th.

After this afternoon’s conference call with state, county and local officials, South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster ordered the mandatory evacuation of Beaufort and counties along the coast of South Carolina starting at 12:00 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday, September 11th). We urge Beaufort County residents and visitors to evacuate ahead of the mandatory time for ease of travel.

Residents and guests with limited or no means of transportation to an approved shelter can find assistance through Palmetto Breeze. Please visit their website at www.palmettobreezetransit.com for bus stop locations and pick up times. Traffic lanes on Highway 278 and U.S. 21 will not be reversed, but law enforcement will be standing by if reversal is needed. All state and Beaufort County government offices and schools will be closed tomorrow. Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Management will continue to closely monitor the track of Hurricane Florence overnight and will keep you advised of any updates.

Evacuation routes for Beaufort County residents and guests can be found here https://arcg.is/rjrmv

For additional information on Hurricane Florence visit the National Hurricane Center https://www.nhc.noaa.gov

Sheriff P.J. Tanner will hold a press conference for media (print, television and radio) tomorrow (Tuesday) at 12:00 p.m. at the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Center, 2001 Duke Street in Beaufort. Residents and guests will be able to watch the press conference on Facebook Live and YouTube. Links for the press conference will be posted tomorrow morning.

Thank you for staying informed and receiving your updates on Hurricane Florence from official sources.


Woodlake Villa News, Sept 7, 2018

We would like to remind everyone that Woodlake does not have any security service monitoring the property. In the event of an emergency, please call 911 to reach the Beaufort County Sheriff’s or Hilton Head Fire Departments. For nonemergencies, we will be issuing refrigerator magnets within the next few weeks with our various contact numbers on them, so you can place them on your refrigerators for easy access. Some of the non-emergency issues that the Woodlake on-site staff would deal with is code infractions, disturbances, water leaks, electrical meters on the outside of the buildings, gate malfunctions/vehicle entry passes or anything else that the maintenance personnel handles daily. For any of these issues during normal working hours, which is from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday thru Friday, please visit or call the onsite office at 843-689-3366, after hours please leave a message. For after hour situations like slab leaks, water pipe breaks or entry gate malfunctions, please call 843-540-2147.
We continue to have problems with residents putting unauthorized

items in the garbage and landscape dumpsters. There are eight garbage dumpster enclosures throughout Woodlake and they are for household garbage only. No appliances, bedding, furniture, etc. is allowed. We also have one landscape dumpster which is used for landscape debris only, no appliances, bedding, furniture, etc. is allowed in this dumpster either. All appliances, bedding, furniture, etc. must be taken off the property by the owner or tenant. We must pay an outside contractor almost every week to remove unauthorized items. This is a cost that is passed on to All owners and results in higher regime fees and rents. This is literally taking money out of your pockets. If you see anyone putting any unauthorized items in or around any dumpster please call the on-site office at 843 689-3366 and let us know who it was and what villa they came from or get the make, model, color and license plate number of the vehicle. There is a $50.00 reward offered for information that results in an offender being caught and fines paid.

Woodlake Villas News, June 2018, Issue 2

Summer is here, and the pool has been exceptionally busy with swimmers taking advantage of the nice, clean, and wellmaintained pool. It appears that a lot of the people swimming in the pool are not residents, yet they have access to the pool which tells us that residents are giving out their gate passes for their guest to use. This has created the need for more required maintenance. The pool is for Woodlake residents and their guests only. There is a limit of two (2) guests per villa and guests must be accompanied by a resident at all times. (For exceptions, please contact the on-site office.) All users must have an amenities pass. Do not let others into the pool area as you are responsible for all guests and any damage they may cause. Failure to abide by these restrictions may result in the suspension or loss of your amenities pass.

Woodlake Villas News, May 2018, Issue 1

We are receiving many complaints of residents and guests driving way too fast in Woodlake. There are many children living in Woodlake and they are always playing games in the parking lot and frequently running out into the road from in between cars. Anyone seen by our Community Relations Officer or an employee driving too fast in Woodlake may have their parking privileges suspended or revoked.  If we can’t get the speeding under control with the cooperation of all residents, we will be forced to add more speed bumps to slow everyone down.

It has also been brought to our attention that there are a lot of under age children using the pool and fitness center. Our Regulations and Procedures Manual states that use of the pool by “Children thirteen (13) and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian eighteen (18) years of age or older at all times” and also states that “Use of the fitness center is for Woodlake residents only; users must be at least fifteen (15) years of age. Children under the age of fifteen (15) are prohibited to be in the fitness center.

Pool Closure

Beginning Monday, March 26th, the pool will be closed for renovations and will reopen, weather permitting, Friday, March 30th. We are replacing the pool chlorine system, repairing or replacing the deck chairs and the pool deck/bathrooms floors are being painted. With a little bit of cooperation from Mother Nature, the pool should re-open this upcoming Easter weekend for everyone to enjoy.