Many of our residents are still complaining about pet owners who are NOT picking up after their pets in the common areas or dog run area. This has been and continues to be a major problem here at Woodlake. If this problem continues, pet owners who do not clean up after their pets, in addition to the appropriate fines, will have their common area pet privileges revoked and will be required to take their pets off the property to do their business. Cleaning up after your pet shows that you respect your neighbors and your community. If you see anyone not cleaning up after their pet anywhere on the property, please report this to the onsite office. Once again, we respectfully ask that all dog owners pick-up after they have done their business. Woodlake will be offering monetary rewards to those whose information leads to catching those responsible for not policing after their pet.
Woodlake Villas News, March 2018, Issue 1
We are aware of the damage that occurred to a large percentage of plant material during this past winter storm and freeze. This unattractive dead growth that you see will not be removed until we do our spring pruning as it will help protect the plants from any more freezes that we may experience before spring. While it may have hit the 80’s already in February, March has experienced several freezing events. Once we begin our annual spring pruning, (which will happen when we are fairly certain there won’t be any more freezes and it is safe to trim the plants), we will be removing all dead plant material. Any plants that are in bloom at this time will be pruned within a 6-week period after they are done blooming. A few examples of the plants that will be in bloom during the spring are as follows: Azaleas, gardenias, camellias, etc. There are a few plants that will be pruned in the fall instead of the spring such as Hydrangeas
New Landscaped Area
Back in the fall of 2017 we started a project to create a newly landscaped area in Woodlake for residents to enjoy. We have planted sod and plants that are in the process of growing, which need time to take root without being disturbed. We ask that you refrain from walking through this area or letting children play in this area until the plants and grass have time to establish a healthy root system that will prevent the plants from dying. We hope that by the beginning of summer we can open the area up and let all residents enjoy the new beautiful landscaped area without restrictions. Until that time, we respectfully ask that you please stay off the grass and out of this area to give it time to properly establish a healthy root system
Thank you for your cooperation and patience.
2017 Holiday Decorating Contest
Once again the Woodlake Volunteers are sponsoring the Holiday decorating contest. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place of $100.00, $75.00 and $50.00.
Judging will take place on Saturday, December 23rd. Please make sure that your lights are on by dusk so that the judges can make their decision on who does the most creative decorating.
Thank you, Woodlake Volunteers
Community Christmas Tree
Woodlake Villas now has a Christmas tree in the community room next to the pool. If you would like to help decorate the tree, you can do so by adding an ornament of your own and placing it on the tree. The ornament may be homemade or purchased, we just ask that it not be breakable and in good taste. The plan is to continue putting the tree up in coming years and add to the community decorations over time.
Woodlake News, Nov 1, 2017
The allowance of pets at Woodlake Villas has mot been without a cost to all property owners and residents of Woodlake. While a large portion of pet owners adhere to the rules designed to protect ALL owners and residents, an unusually large segment of pet owners do not abide by the rules. PET shall mean any mammal, reptile, or bird which weighs in excess of two pounds. UNIT OWNERS are responsible for a pet that occupies the unit of the owner at any time, and the OWNER of the Woodlake unit is responsible for any arrangements with a tenant. There is a limit of two (2) pets per villa, and each shall be registered with the Property Manager. Such registration shall include a description of the pet, the name and unit number of the adult person responsible for the pet, and a signed statement acknowledging the rules governing pets. All pets MUST be registered within one (1) week of arrival on the property. Pets must be brought to the office so a photo may be taken to include in the registration.The pet limit may be extended only on permission granted by the Board of Directors. and applications for such must be submitted in writing. All pets that are registered must have proof ovaccinations. Failure to comply with the Woodlake rules and regulations may result in fines.
As always, we would like to thank you for your help and cooperation in the above matters.
As you all know, Halloween is this coming Tuesday! October 31st . In previous years we have asked that everyone planning to participate in the activities and pass out treats to leave their front entrance lights on. Given the number of lights with photocells and motion detectors, you may end up going to several nonparticipating units. This year, not only are we asking you to turn on the lights, but also to post this notice on your door if you are participating in Halloween,
with the pumpkin face side showing out. When going door to door, look for this notice. If you do not see this notice posted, move on to the next villa. As residents “trick or treat” throughout the property, keep an eye out for children moving from building to building and crossing streets. Have a good and safe time!!
Como todos saben, Halloween es este martes 31 de octubre. En afios anteriores, hemos pedido que todos los que planean participar en las actividades y repartan golosinas para que dejen las luces de entrada en la entrada. Dada la cantidad de luces con fotocelulas y detectores de movimiento, puede terminar yendo a varias unidades no participantes. Este ana, no solo te estamos pidiendo que enciendas las luces, sino que tarnblen publiques este aviso en tu puerta si estas participando en Halloween, can ellado de la calabaza mirando hacia afuera. Cuando vaya de puerta en puerta, busque este aviso. Si no ve este aviso publicado, pase a la siguiente villa. Mientras los residentes “engafian 0 tratan” en toda la propiedad, este atento a los nifios que se mueven de un edificio a otro y cruzan las calles. Que tengas un buen momento y seguro !!
Woodlake News, Oct 4, 2017
Due to the numerous complaints we have received about personal items left out in the common area and messy looking patios, we will be conducting a patio and common area inspection on Tuesday, October 10th. Any violations found at this time will result in a ticket and/or fines being issued. For your information, the following items only shall be allowed on the patio area: patio furniture intended for outdoor use, cooking grills, plants in pots (not buckets), bicycles, and children’s riding toys. Access to the patio door must remain clear at all times. Items prohibited include, but are not limited to, firewood, shelving units, boxes, motorcycles, baby pools, and cleaning supplies. Exceptions must be approved in writing by the Board of Directors. Please help us keep Woodlake looking clean and attractive by cleaning up all patios and areas around your villas.
There have been reports that residents have heard BB and pellet guns being discharged on the property. This is not allowed anywhere in Woodlake. Anyone caught discharging any type of gun in Woodlake will be issued tickets/fines, and the police may be notified.
Evacuation Order Liftd as of 9:15 AM Today
It’s time to head back home.
Effective at 9:15 a.m. today, the Governor lifted the evacuation order for our community and I simultaneously granted re-entry to the Island. Please take care to travel safely and keep these things in mind:
With the evacuation order lifted and the re-entry order established, you will be able to travel over the bridge and onto the Island.
The Emergency Room operations at Hilton Head Hospital will be operational at 10:00 a.m. These are EMERGENCY ROOM OPERATIONS ONLY. It will take time to re-establish full operations at the Hospital.
Power may not be available in a few spots. Palmetto Electric is diligently working to restore power to the approximately 1,500 customers currently without power on Hilton Head Island.
Thank you to everyone on the Town team, including the Emergency Operations Center and the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, whose efforts were excellent.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding. We are most certainly an incredible community.
Mayor David Bennett
Governor McMaster expected to hold a press conference at 10:00 AM. Sheriff P.J. Tanner will follow immediately after.
The weather overnight had no significant additional impact on Beaufort County. The South Carolina Department of Transportation is currently inspected roadways, bridges and causeways to ensure they are safe for the volume of traffic expected during reentry. Governor McMaster is expected to hold a press conference at 10:00 AM to address reentry to the barrier islands of Beaufort County. Sheriff P.J. Tanner will address the public immediately after the Governor. Sheriff Tanner’s press conference will be held at the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office headquarters building, 2001 Duke Street, Beaufort in the second floor training room. The media, as well as municipal and elected officials are invited and encouraged to attend. Thank you for your patience throughout this major storm event. Sheriff Tanner’s press conference will broadcast live of the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page and the County Channel YouTube site.