Woodlake News – July 2014

Woodlake News – July 2014

The number of Woodlake residents enjoying the pool, fitness center, and community room has far exceeds our expectations. Woodlake is pleased that so many people are able to use and enjoy the amenities. Unfortunately, many of the pool and fitness rules are being abused or ignored. When this happens closures are needed to conduct the proper maintenance, thereby depriving every one of the use of the facilities. This situation requires monitoring of these areas more closely. Anyone found to be violating the rules risk having their amenities pass turned off. If that happens, a formal appeal process will be followed if they are to be reinstated. One of the pool rules that will be enforced is a limit of two (2) guests per villa, and the Woodlake resident must accompany their guests. All residents must bring their pass to the pool. Please do not share or give out your pass. We will be performing random checks of the facilities to ensure that residents are following the rules. There are only a few residents that seem to continue to not follow these rules but this affects all Woodlake residents.

Have a safe and fun summer!