Woodlake Villas News, March 2018, Issue 1

Woodlake Villas News, March 2018, Issue 1

We are aware of the damage that occurred to a large percentage of plant material during this past winter storm and freeze. This unattractive dead growth that you see will not be removed until we do our spring pruning as it will help protect the plants from any more freezes that we may experience before spring. While it may have hit the 80’s already in February, March has experienced several freezing events. Once we begin our annual spring pruning, (which will happen when we are fairly certain there won’t be any more freezes and it is safe to trim the plants), we will be removing all dead plant material. Any plants that are in bloom at this time will be pruned within a 6-week period after they are done blooming. A few examples of the plants that will be in bloom during the spring are as follows: Azaleas, gardenias, camellias, etc. There are a few plants that will be pruned in the fall instead of the spring such as Hydrangeas